My Grandparents, Cliff and Norma Harrington. 

Paw Paw and Na Na brought me to the camp on Bayou Dularge when I was all of one month old.  At that time, the term "Camp" was very fitting for the little 3 room shack on the Bayou.  The walls were patched with freezer tape, and in the winter the wind would whistle through the cracks.  As soon as I was old enough to hold it, they taught me to use a Zebco 202 reel to catch hardhead catfish, and then trout and redfish.  I owe all of my fishing experiences to these generous and hard working people.

My brother, Coogan, got to the camp at less than 2 weeks of age, and he has been my best fishing buddy ever since.  Every Thanksgiving, most Easters, and for whole weeks during the summer, we stayed with Na Na and Paw at the now expanded "This is the Way," hunting crabs with a BB gun, catching catfish from the dock, eating Na Na's great home cooking, and listening to Paw's tales of life aboard the Frank E. Evans, a WWII destroyer.

There is always something to work on at the camp, and Coogan and I learned much about maintenance from Paw Paw.  The Camp was devastated by Hurricane Andrew in 1992, just after I got back to Louisiana for law school.  It took over a year of hard work by Na Na and Paw,  both of them in their seventies, to bring it back from total destruction.

I consider myself truly a lucky person to have shared so many wonderful times with my grandparents, and to have been able to learn so many of life's lessons through them.  I am married to Sophia Ryan, my best friend, and am the father of a child of my own, Claire.  I can see now just how precious time spent with loved ones can be.  And if that is a measure of wealth, then I am a tycoon based upon the times I spent with Na Na and Paw alone.